'Ofsted Reform: Towards a Collaborative Model of

School Accountability'

Online Conference

Friday 30th June 2023

09.30 - 15.15

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During the conference, you will explore:

* The empowering impact of low-stakes accountability.

* Why replacing hierarchical judgement and monitoring with staff-led professional development improves retention.

* How staff mental health improves by working as a community.

* Why a collaborative staff model is essential for pupil progress and wellbeing.

* Hear about strategies that work from the schools themselves.

Your Image

A report will be written on the strategies shared during the conference and sent to the

'Beyond Ofsted' inquiry.

Presentations will be recorded, transcribed and shared with participants after the conference.

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Your Image
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Book by Friday, 16th June to claim your Early Bird 10% discount.

Enter Coupon Code EARLYBIRD10 at checkout or when requesting an invoice.

Time left to claim your Early Bird discount:

Use the checkout below or request an invoice for your school

Remember to use Coupon Code EARLYBIRD10 by 16th June to claim your discount

You are also entitled to invite a colleague FREE of charge when you check out or request an invoice.

Please copy the link below. Send it to your colleague and ask them to register on Eventbrite:


Questions or problems with booking, contact Steve Waters, Teach Well Toolkit and Conference Organiser

admin@teachwelltoolkit.com or, if urgent, call

0161 552 7411 [Voicemail enabled].



Billing Address

Coupon Code

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Payment Methods

PayPal selected.

After submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal website to fill out your payment information. You will be redirected back to our site once the payment is completed.

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